Calling All Two Plankers, Free Heelers and Knuckle Draggers

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I' m a skier who hikes too. Does that count? On point, this may be the year I finally put together a multi day trip, supported by a hot tent, into the Pemi in order to ski the East facing slide off Mt Lincoln. :):)

With a name like yardsale you have to join. Patrick, don't worry about skill judgement just bring bravado and a love of snow attitude
With a name like yardsale you have to join. Patrick, don't worry about skill judgement just bring bravado and a love of snow attitude

Besides Ullr is a philanthropist and he begs for you to reap his goods!:cool:;):D

how will this group/thread/forum differ. from the other ski forums like, time for tuckerman, tele tips, alpine zone, tgr? my .02, bc skiing & riding is becoming increasingly popular around these parts and internet info. is becoming increasingly abundant, taking away from the real exploration/adventure.. So I hope this group will be more of a way to get like minded peeps together for adventures, rather than broadcasting to the interwebz local stashes and personally I'm a big supporter of the show but don't tell style of tr's on the lesser known spots.. (the little gems just can't handle the traffic) All that said I'd be down for some mid-week get togethers.. NEED SNOW!!!

p.s. there is no good bc skiing in Maine!
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how will this group/thread/forum differ. from the other ski forums like, time for tuckerman, tele tips, alpine zone, tgr? my .02, bc skiing & riding is becoming increasingly popular around these parts and internet info. is becoming increasingly abundant, taking away from the real exploration/adventure.. So I hope this group will be more of a way to get like minded peeps together for adventures, rather than broadcasting to the interwebz local stashes and personally I'm a big supporter of the show but don't tell style of tr's on the lesser known spots.. (the little gems just can't handle the traffic) All that said I'd be down for some mid-week get togethers.. NEED SNOW!!!

p.s. there is no good bc skiing in Maine!

No difference at all...everyone is entitled to their on stash if they can find it.:rolleyes::cool:;):D:)
If the conditions are right you'll be following her off-piste!

This is where we need a "Like Button".

Gotta love the anticipation of a "New Season"..... round and round we go to we all fall down:)

After a few winters in NE I'm finally starting to see the potential of these gentle hills. As you probably know, there are great stashes, slides and glades all over if you hunt for them. While I won't reveal my locations, I'd sure love to see stoke pictures from others who are finding the goods and describing the experiences.

If this forum only achieves that small benchmark, I'll call it a great success.

While I won't reveal my locations, I'd sure love to see stoke pictures from others who are finding the goods and describing the experiences.

If this forum only achieves that small benchmark, I'll call it a great success.

Small spots show but don't tell..
Lent.'s on a peacefull snowfield, last march:)
It was deleted AGAIN???

That's it. Sorry. Not joining any more. This is ridiculous. Not worth my time to create posts just to have it all deleted *twice* now.

(btw, there's a Winter Travel Enthusiasts already whose description seems similar to what you just created)
There are many times when I feel I was afforded more freedom of expression in sunday school than on this forum.

But, with my only option being to storm off in a huff, I seem to just stay perplexed and deal with it.

I suspect it's simply not worth us trying another ski forum. The wizards don't want it and will shut it down again and again for the very same unstated reasons.

I learned to ski and climb out west where the mentality was as open as the physical geography and I thought that's just the way things worked. I'm learning just how closed and insular things are here and trying to get my head around it. Personally, I don't see the threat. My lines are never crowded because very few people actually want to earn their turns or bushwhack into a new climb. I've forged some of my best friendships by sharing a gem or two. Sometimes life works that way.

And once I found two guys in my very favorite glade and guess what, they were cool dudes and their tracks were not a nuisance and I've never seen them again. So I'm not sure where the big threat is but apparently others do.

Such is life. With a nice base of snow I think we'll all forget about this and be absorbed into much more meaningful experiences.

I am as perplexed as you are. Is this really about fear of revelation?

Seems to me that if you get out of the house and look around...the potential of trails is everywhere, especially if you hiked most of these mountains around us, you can get a feel of where you could take skis and try to make turns. All the hiking trails are published and documented, tons of actual ski trips are documented on the web and 'youtubed', you can buy the 'forbidden book' about some backcountry trails and go have fun... - - - what are we afraid of ?