Camels Hump via LT South from Rte 2; Aliss, Dean, Monroe Trails

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Date of Hike: 11/17-19/07

Trail Conditions:
25 degrees, no Wind! 6-10" Untracked new powder up North side of Hump on LT; Very slow going; Litely Packed Snow tracks just prior to summit and down south side of summit (easy descent). Overnite in teens; Allis Tr to Dean to Monroe all easy going with lite packed powder to Access Road.

Special Equipment Required:
Lightweight winter gear; Snowshoes, crampons could be usefull; I made due with neither;

Great hike in 20-25 degree crisp snow with NO WIND-even at summit; view overcast, but otherwise great hike!

Hiked into Bamforth Ridge Shelter by dark for overnite; up/over summit by day; stayed Montclair Glenn Lodge overnite, then hiked out in am.

Georgious snowy forest views!

Your name: Gary Hebert

Your E-mail address: [email protected]