Canisters Coords

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I didn't know people debated the merits of map and compass versus gps, I thought they just bust each other's chops.

Take yer pick, use an arrow pointer that points to a place somewhere in northern Canada or use one that points to where ya wanna get to. I like using both arrows depending on what I'm doing.

Real woodscraftspersons use the lichens-growing-on-the-trees method. Was that east or west? :confused:
GPS vs non-GPS:

Relax, its all just navigation.

GPS certainly makes some aspects easier and some enjoy using the pre-GPS techniques. As long as someone using one set of techniques doesn't damage the enjoyment of someone using the other set, then I see no real problem.

Mapless, astrolabe, and lodestone anyone?

And Native American Indians didn't have astrolabes, or lodestones...

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DougPaul said:
GPS vs non-GPS:

Relax, its all just navigation.

GPS certainly makes some aspects easier and some enjoy using the pre-GPS techniques. As long as someone using one set of techniques doesn't damage the enjoyment of someone using the other set, then I see no real problem.

Mapless, astrolabe, and lodestone anyone?

And Native American Indians didn't have astrolabes, or lodestones...

Doug, if you saw me thrashing through the forest in mid-winter, stark-naked with no shoes, food, supplies, pack etc. You'd revise yer statement!! :eek:

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
Doug, if you saw me thrashing through the forest in mid-winter, stark-naked with no shoes, food, supplies, pack etc. You'd revise yer statement!! :eek:
I'd certainly cover my eyes!

We all use some degree of high tech equipment. Where one draws the line between acceptable and too much can be rather arbitrary.

Double Bow said:
That said, do whatever you want. Hike yer own hike. Do yer own thang. All that's important is that yer gettin' out there havin' a good time and not doin' anything to ruin anyone else's good time! Don't really matter how yer doin' it. :)

I for one am getting pretty tired of this philosophy! It's thinking like this that got our country so messed up and now it ain't fit for decent families anymore!

Shame! Shame on you!

I miss the day when Tip O'Neill could have lunch with Frank Zappa and dinner with Ronald Reagan. Those were the days!

Now what was this thread about? GPWhat?

Good walkin' weather today.
On a closing note, I'd like to thank everyone who helped, all I was asking for is some coords, really... :D
Unless you have a high grade GPS, I'm not sure that it will help you find the canister if you are looking in the right area.

As mentioned, you can get summit coordinates from a map. Posted coordinates will tell you if you are looking on the correct summit (Scar Ridge for example) or in the Catskills where several canisters are not on the highest points of the summit.
My daughter and I were Geo caching in southern Maine yesterday and though the GPS gets you close to what you are looking for it is always a search and find in the end. And as for hiking with it, the only reason I bring it is for the trip down to the car so that when my daughter (12 years old) asks how much further to the car I can give her a number with out stopping. And o'yeah I would not leave my car in the first place without my map and compass, electronics can break, freeze up etc, etc. It's all fun, Map, GPS , Compass, I love Gadgets :) :)

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