cannon and the kinsmans, 1-19

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Date of Hike: 01-19-2008

Ascended via Lonesome Lake Trail - descended via Fishin' Jimmy.

Trail Conditions: mostly packed out (now). Most of the way at least one person had gone before us. But we found a 2.4 mile pristine "powder stash" on the Kinsman Ridge Trail, between the Lonesome Lake junction and the Fishin' Jimmy junction. That section will still be difficult. Also it appeared that just a few people went from N. to S. Kinsman and back today, so that section is less packed.

Special Equipment Required: snowshoes, every step of the way. One of our group of three used crampons on the way back down Cannon.


Like a prior poster, we had intended to ascend via Hi-Cannon Trail, but we somehow missed it, and ended up at Lonesome Lake.

Thanks to Carl, Foster and Bare Bootin' Burley the Canine Phenomenon for their company today.

Thanks to all who went before us and helped pack down the powder.


Your name: blaze