Cannonballs and backpacking (no, seriously)

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Feb 5, 2009
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Small Town in Maine
Although I'm not a BIG Ray Jardine follower...I am new to hiking and can completely understand where this article is going...

Funny read. You can't print it though...and can't post. You can only link to it. can only link to his site (which you can then purchase products from)...hmmm

I was really enjoying the article right up to the point at which he defined what those cannoballs were, or at least what he thought they should be. I would have rather taken the advice at face value and made up my own mind
Sometimes his theme music gets a little loud for me.
you can only link to his site (which you can then purchase products from)...hmmm
Good catch!
I was not particularly impressed. Of course I have made buying decisions I became unhappy with. I also spent lots of time doing math problems trying to figure out how long it takes to drain a swimming pool with a hose of one size while a smaller hose is filling it. However, I feel that equating teachers with absolute hucksters is very mean spirited.

I feel a posting that asks "What ever happened to common sense, and did it ever really exist" with some real life examples would be much more illuminating.
Unfortunately, I posted to this site prior to finishing the last bit (preachy part)...

I understand completely the "new to hiking" and the "you need this and this and this and this..." attitude that so many stores and magazines have.

I think I'll take THAT lesson (what is really necessary vs. marketing) and forget the rest.
I think it's just a funny story about how dumb/ignorant people can be. The lampoon on hiking gear was great but then again I shop at Walmart. :)
It's Jardine. There's some wisdom and stuff to be learned in there, if you can get past the tone and do some sifting*. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of Trail Life, as he claims he toned down the preachiness a bit.

(*Classic example: his recommendation of blood electrification machines to cure giardia.)