John and I were on the trail around 8:15 and reached the top a little after 11:00. The trails were in very good shape. A couple of easy blowdowns and some mud, but no problems. The streams were higher than expected for this time of year. A storm would put many of the stepping stones under water. But no difficulties yesterday. The weather was cool and crisp; a beautiful fall day. It was windy and chilly on top of Signal Ridge and on the summit, but a couple of dry layers kept us comfortable, even while enjoying the great views from the tower, which still seems sound. Several very friendly gray jays kept us company on the summit, along with a white throated sparrow. On the way up we also saw juncos, boreal chickadees, and two good sized ribbon snakes (or maybe garter?). Quite a few folks were out and several friendly dogs. We headed down at 12:15 and were back at the car a little after 3:00. An excellent hike!