Carrigain on 10/16

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poison ivy

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Mansfield, MA Avatar: Mt. Whitney, CA
I know I've mentioned a few times that I'll be finishing the 48 on Carrigain on Oct. 16, but I wanted to make the invitation "official" -- Anyone else want to join me? I'll probably make the trip rain or shine because I'm getting antsy to finish!!

I'm planning to head up the Signal Ridge Trail at 9 a.m. -- though anyone who wanted to start later probably won't have a problem catching up with me. :)

- Ivy
I was making plans with some people from work today, to go there on the 16th. what a coincidence. We were thinking of going up Signal Ridge and then coming back via Desolation and Carrigain Notch.
Just so happens (prompted by a thread elsewhere in cyberspace) I found an online version of a book by William James Sidis called "Passaconaway in the White Mountains" in which he quotes yet another book, "The White Mountains" by Julius H. Ward

...Ward devotes an interesting chapter, entitled "The Heart of the Wilderness," to Mt. Carrigain. In this chapter he enthusiastically says:¯

"It is the distinguishing characteristic of Mount Carrigain that it is in the centre of the White Mountain system and holds the key to the entire country. It is a bold and massive peak, wooded nearly to the summit, not desolate like Chocorua, not rifted with the fury of the gods like. Mount Washington, but unique in its beauty as seen from a distance, and presenting a wonderful panorama of the wilderness when you have climbed its summit and from its cairn look out at all points of the compass upon an uninhabited world. I have stood on the brow of the cliff that hangs over Kineo Bay at Moosehead Lake and strained the eye in every direction over the untrodden forest; I have surveyed the Adirondacks from the nose of Mount Mansfield and swept the field of vision through the lower Canadas; I have felt, as others have felt who have climbed these peaks, that, there was something about the view from them and something in the silence that reigns upon them which appeals strongly to the conception of universal Nature; but I think that the sense of utter separation from humanity, the sense of entire lostness in the wilderness, the sense of the complete abandonment of the soul to Nature was never realized as it was during my stay of a few hours on the topmost peak of Mount Carrigain."

Ivy, it may not be quite as isolated as it was back then but you sure picked a great mountain to finish on.

Don't forget - NO PEEKING! :)

Stevehiker -- Hope you see you up there!

Hikerbob -- Thanks for sharing the awesome quote!!

Dawn & Tony -- Sorry you won't be able to make it!

I am definitely starting to get anxious for this hike to arrive. (And my fingers are getting tired... I'm keeping them crossed for good weather.) :)

- Ivy
Wow, great peak to finish on, the same one my son chose. My schedule looks open, there is a decent chance that I can make it. I might also be in for a loop using the Desolation trail and Carrigain notch. I love going on "the last of the 48" hikes!

we'll shoot for 9ish.

Not sure about the loop or not. I definitely want to do it, but one of the people coming with me tends to really peter out at around 10 miles or so. The loop is a wee bit longer than that.
I won't be able to make it

I am incredibly bummed out that I won't be able to make it, especially after all the 4K's we bagged together over the summer. But at T-minus one week I have best man duties for my friend's wedding. We've got to meet at 3:00 on Saturday and there's no way I can do the hike and be back and cleaned up in time. I waited as long as I could to see if I couldn't finagle something but it just didn't work out. :(

I wish you the best of luck, hope the rain will have passed, and that you have a wonderful and amazing finish to your 48. I'll miss seeing all of you and look forward to the next hike!!!

ps - I highly recommend Vermont :D
Have a great hike. I cant make it up there this weekend, but I'll hoist one for ya.

- darren
AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Just saw this message! Would much rather have been with you hiking Carrigain than doing inventory (which could have waited!) I thought you were going the 24th!!!

Sorry I missed it. I hope the sun that peeked thru here now and again today made it's way to Carrigain so that you could enjoy the views. I called it "The Center of My Universe!" Hope you got to see it.

Congratulations, even in advance of your trip report. I'm sure you made it!
Periwinkle - you are still around! I heard through the grapevine you sold your store. :( Disappointed you couldn't make the Gathering in the Catskills, you would have loved all the rain :eek: Anyway, I can't remember - did I send you my photo log CD of my White Mountain Trip XV? If not send me your postal address for the CD. I also would love to see your pictures of that memorable climb up North Slide Tripyramid.
askus3 said:
Periwinkle - you are still around! I heard through the grapevine you sold your store. :(

I have sold the store. That's why I'm doing boring stuff like inventory! It's closed for the next few weeks until the new owners re-open it. No pizza until the first week of November!

I did get your CD -- I obviously forgot to email you to thank you for it. (I thought I had!) Baaadd me!!!! So sorry -- I really did appreciate it!!! I particularly enjoyed the one of me looking like a contortionist with a VERY concerned expression on my face. That captured the essence of my experience on the North Slide. I will send my pictures to you as soon as I get the memory problem fixed on my computer -- it crashes if I try to work with pictures!

And, Amy, if you didn't get any good pictures of Carrigain because of the weather, I have a few nice shots I can send you when I get this annoying problem fixed!
Thanks everyone! It was a fantastic day -- filled with great friends, pretty views and of course, HarryK's celebratory beer! It was wonderful way to finish the list!! :) Thanks to everyone to came along or wished me well... it's wonderful to be here among people who understand the obsession and need to be outdoors!

I'll have the trip report & pictures done tonight. :cool:

-- Ivy