Catskill 8 Peaks - Peeka to Wittenberg - 12/29

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Sat 29th -

Our group of 10 (Chris O, Jim K, Sam S, Ben S, Rob H, Brice W, Melissa C, Jason R, Joe B, and Ken S) started from Peekamoose Road PA and took trail up to Peekamoose then over to Table. Trail was packed and bareboot-able although traction devices would make it easier - insteps or stabilicers - showshoes not needed. Started our bushwacking from the saddle between Peeka and Table. Snow was consolidated and most of our party used shoeshoes although some stayed with stabilicers and did a fair share of postholing. Snow base must have been 12-24 inches of consolidated wet snow. Bushwacked the 4 trailless peaks - Lone, Rocky, BC, and Friday - picking our way thru and trying to avoid the thick fir/balsam. No real difficulty with Lone and took the eastern side of the direct ridge to Rocky to avoid some of the thickest stuff i could remember when approaching Rocky from the Neversink years ago. Followed the developing herd path from BC to Friday - cliffs were fun. Hit thick stuff off the north side of Friday and got bogged down going around dink - much better to go to the west around "dink" at the ~3400 ft level. Got back on the trail and followed it over to Cornell then Wittenberg as the sun was setting. Trail was packed and very icy on any small rocky ledges that the trail went thru. Traveled the last 4 miles from Wittenberg to Woodland Valley under headlamp - some minor tiptowing over some small streams. A great hike with this group - kept our sense of humor throughout the day.... JimK

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