Catskill goals....

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2003
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Late next week I'm planning on going to the Catskills and doing a "blitz" of several mountains depending on the weather. I was figuring on going up there 3/10 or 3/11, and staying for awhile....

I want to do Blackhead as a winter peak and maybe the rest of the range (Thomas Cole, Black Dome) as well. The other peaks I would like to do are Bearpen, Vly, Rusk, Fir, Balsam, and Eagle.

I was thinking of staying in one of the Lean-to's near Fir or Eagle as I want to slack pack and do some of the Catskill 100 highest around Fir as well, then maybe Eagle and Balsam the next day. Bearpen/Vly is another hike I would like to, maybe do some of their 3,000' sub peaks as well while in the area.

In case anyone's wondering - I'm trying to "finish" the Catskill 35's in time for the April dinner as well do some of the Catskill 100's while I'm out "doing my fieldwork" so to speak :D Please post or e-mail me if you're interested!
I'd like to join you Fred (and that goes for the rest of you catskill hikers) but I have to play it by ear based on my parent's conditions... If I can, I'll certainly contact you. This weekend is most likely out but perhaps next weekend might be a possibility though for me, it would most likely be a one day thing and not an overnighter for me.

Hey Freddy,

Of the peaks you named I need Bearpen, Vly, Rusk, Fir and Eagle for winters.
I plan on hitting Eagle (along w/ Big Indian) this Saturday w/ Catskill Climber, if you're interested. We're going to meet @ the Seager TH @ 9:30.

For next weekend, I'd be up for Bearpen/Vly, Fir/Spruce/Hemlock, or possibly Rusk. If I was doing Rusk, I'd probably want to go for SW Hunter as well while I was in the neighborhood. What are your transportation plans? I might be able to help w/ a pick-up if you were taking a bus or train up to this area.

Jay-whatever it is that's going on, I hope it gets better...

Matt, I wish I could get out this weekend but have too much work to catch up on. I'm open the next weekend, 3/11-13. Hopefully the weather will be decent. Would you like to plan on doing Fir/Spruce/Hemlock one of those days with me? A combination of Rusk and SW Hunter sounds interesting as well, also wouldn't mind going up to the Hunter fire tower again if it's a nice day.

Dawn, I could save Vly/bearpen for the next weekend (19/20) if you're going to be around. You know that area and I don't so that would be a definite plus for me. Are you going both nights to Banff in NYC? I should be there Wed. so we could talk about it then. I'm fairly flexible about which peaks I do when, just want to do them before the dinner and "need" Blackhead as a winter peak.

Jay, I got home a bit too late tonight to call you but will be around all weekend, mostly at the studio. I'm working Friday night at the club but will try to call you over the weekend.
Maddy and I will probably climb Vly and Bear pen Sat.3-5. I need them for March -12x35,if I get a chance I will submit a trail condition report.I think I will have to break trail,which is ok with me.We will start around 8:00 at the Halcott Mtn. outside of Prattsville.I hope there is a spot to park.Jay,I hope your parents get well soon.Fred , hopefully before the dinner we can hike a peak or two. I will be out hiking again next weekend.
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Hey Freddy,

I'll be up for something next Sun. I guess that'll be the the 13th? Let's get Bearpen/Vly, maybe Fir on Mon.? I'm gonna try to run up Rusk this Sun. with the terriers. Burned a day after the big storm snowboarding instead of climbing, oh well, damn fun though. Still pretty sure to finish before 4/9. I'm going to save Blackhead for my last, as I already got it last winter. I'll give you a shout this weekend. Also, if you're around this Thurs. FantomFrequency is playing at Galapagos in Williamsburg. We'll talk.....

My back(which has given me problems in the past) started acting up again Thursday night, and it still was Friday AM, so I cancelled my Saturday (3/5) hike. This is pretty frustrating, since it's now Saturday and looks to be sunny and beautiful.

Anyhow, the back is starting to feel a little better. Usually when I've had problems, a little stretching and rest have helped. That is the case this time as well, it just seems to be taking a little longer. I may hike something easy and nearby today or tomorrow, or I may just take the whole weekend off.
Next weekend should be good, but I'm just taking it day by day right now.

Hi Matt, it's weird that your back was acting up as mine did the same over the weekend, sometimes it does when the weather changes. I went swimming today and it's much better now - have to get ready for this weekend.

It looks like Josef and I are going to do Vly/Bearpen this Sun. I'll will probably try to do Blackhead either Sat. or Mon. depending on the weather as it's the only winter left for me to do. So far the weather looks good for Sunday - Tues but that could change as everyone knows.
I'm keeping an eye on the weather too, as is everyone I'm sure. Vly/Bearpen sounds on Sunday sounds pretty good to me, weather permitting. When I did those two in the fall, both summits were socked in and the brush was soaked w/ rainwater.

Sounds like you're thinking strategically- be sure to nail Blackhead while the calendar still says winter, and then you have time to get everything else before April.

Forecast looks great for this coming week from Sun. on in the catskills.I'll be getting busy on the fore mentioned peaks. E-mail or PM me if you want to do anything early this week. Play hookey and take off from work if you can on this last official week of winter, especially while the sun's out!