Catskill Trail Maintenance

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Aug 31, 2011
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I wanted to spread the word that in addition to crew work and upcoming Trail University courses in the Catskills this season, we have openings for Trail Maintainers on several trails that the Trail Conference just adopted from the DEC and will have several additional trails coming up for adoption as soon as our adoptions of the trails through our agreement with the DEC are finalized. We also have openings for a Trail Supervisor and a Lean-to Caretaker.

If you are interested, here are the links to the volunteer jobs that are available. These links include job descriptions that cover what a maintainer, supervisor or caretaker would be expected to do. We also ask that you be an active member of the Trail Conference if you were to be assigned to one of these jobs:

Trail Maintainer
Trail Supervisor
Lean-to Caretaker

If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm happy to let you know the details of any of these jobs or what we have available.
