Catskills this Saturday?

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If I do the Rocky/Lone bushwack tomorrow then a few of us are doing the Witt/Corn/Slide trip on Sat....

or....I'm doing the Witt/corn/Slide trip tomorrow and doing the bushwack on Sat.....the 3500 club has the Witt trip set up but as of now not enough people are interested....I might end up with them and a few others if I do the wack tomorrow....sorry for so much info....plans will be determined tonight....
I'm very interested in the bushwack (Lone and Rocky). Let me know what your final plans are.
sent u a pm

meeting up with another person in Liberty tomorrow a 8
then off to the trailhead...not to sure which one...he is helping me with the wack...come on...i got the bagels, u bring the milk!