Chirstmas charities in the ADK's?

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
With the holidays here, looking for some good charities. The locals in the adirondacks usually have a hard time with the cost of living going sky high, especially the cost of fuel oil. I use the ADK's for my enjoyment and would like to give back. Anyone know of a good charity.
With the holidays here, looking for some good charities. The locals in the adirondacks usually have a hard time with the cost of living going sky high, especially the cost of fuel oil. I use the ADK's for my enjoyment and would like to give back. Anyone know of a good charity.

I like to give to the local SAR teams - I figure it's good karma in case anything ever happens.
I echo Scott and Rob on this one. Also, here is a website with a fairly comprehensive list of not-for-profits in the Dacks.
With the holidays here, looking for some good charities. The locals in the adirondacks usually have a hard time with the cost of living going sky high, especially the cost of fuel oil. I use the ADK's for my enjoyment and would like to give back. Anyone know of a good charity.

The ADKHighpeaks Foundation has all but received IRS 401(c)(3) status. So far this fall, we raised about $5,000 with more still trickling in. We are about to close this particular fund drive down and will be turning the funds over to the Keene Valley Volunteer Fire Dept.'s SAR division.

Check us out.
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I really like the original idea expressed here -- to do something special for needy Adirondack residents, as a way of connecting with those who live in what we outlanders use as our playground. Local fire departments often organize such things around the holidays.
