Chocorua - Sunday

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Kill Kaso, MA
Would anyone like to join Dr. Wu on Sunday, 1/9 for a trip to Chocorua? Since this is my first time hiking Chocorua I'm going to take the Champney Falls Tr. and hit some of the Sisters along the way. Some of the mountain-type sisters that is. Doh! :eek:

I'm going to be at the parking area between 6:30 and 6:45 (AM!) and hopefully be off by 7:00.
Middle Sister

Yo Doc,

Middle sister is a snap from the Champney Falls Trail. There is an intersection just before the col between the two. Go left to Middle Sister (with the old fire tower foundation). From there you can go west to Chocorua Proper. Course that only gives you two sisters.

I might join you (to slow you down) I will let you know for sure by fri eve.

Did the Moose Hillock yesterday - solo

Tom: Sounds like you had a good day hiking yesterday. I thought about taking The Carter Ledge Trail because that passes over the Sisters but since I've never hiked Chocorua before I figured Champney Falls Trail (the one "everyone" does) would be good. I could easily be persuaded to do the Carter Ledge Trail though as it looks to me more interesting (based on guide book description). What is the parking situation like for that trail?

Arm: I've fought enough with my real sister so I won't be hitting her at all this weekend, whether or not she's on the trail (she won't be). Like I said above though, The Carter Ledge Trail looks more fun but I said Champney Falls because it's my first timeon Chocorua. Could be persuaded...

Tom: Remember, I had to keep up with you on the way down. The pace was fine and this time, hopefully we won't have to carry Sherpa the whole way...
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Champney Falls Trail it is then. I'll bring a hook and a rope and you can just lower me down to Carter Ledge -- that way I'll be able to hike it without actually hiking it. See you Sunday!
See You There

Well, I'm going to try and leave around 3:30 - 3:45 -- Depends how easy it is to get Jess up. I'll probably take 16 (bleh!) the whole way up. 93 and then to the Kank is what I prefer but would probably end up taking longer even though I don't like driving on 16. If you're late, we'll wait because we're probably going to be late as well. Hopefully we're late because we got some FRESH POWDER the night before!

See you there, Tom.
