Chocorua via Liberty Trail (4/6/08)

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Date of Hike: Sunday, April 6, 2008

Trail Conditions: Muddy spots; hard packed in the morning, but loosened up with rising temps during the day; post holes prevalent, especially in the afternoon and edges of trail

Special Equipment Required: snowshoes - probably a good idea, especially for the afternoon; crampons/traction - mandatory for the top; Swiss sled - fun, as always

Comments: Great day on the trail. Hard to follow the trail after the Hut since the trail markings are primarily on the rock (under the snow). It was especially hard on the peak unless you knew the peak (we did and it was still a bit hard). The trail is starting to break through, so mud is going to be a huge issue very soon.

Your name: Susie (with Sonya & Ed)

Your E-mail address: [email protected]