Christmas Bird Count

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I believe that I saw the Bicknells, but haven't put it in my book yet as I'm not sure. They're very difficult to distinguish from the Swainsons. I did definitely hear them, several times, in fact, but I couldn't put a bird to the song. All three times that I've heard them have been in the Evans Notch area; once on Eastman, once on Spruce Hill near Speckled mtn, and once on the Baldface trail. I suppose the Eastman and Baldface birds could have been the same one.
xmass counts

Puck thanks for the link. It could be real handy if you were looking for a particular species. Your count circle in New Haven is much more productive than ours with all that coast line. I usually start my years list in your area on New Years Day in order to get a good start to the year.

Greg, Bicknell's thrush has eluded me as well. But I remember being on Mansfileld and Camel's hump in VT before i was really into birding and seeing thrushes and wondering what they were doing there. I bet they could have been Bicknells.