cleaning a PUR water pump

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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H: Allegany County, NY A: The Brothers
This past weekend my PUR filter/pump wasn't pumping in the AM. I took it apart on the one end, but didn't seem to find anything. Conceivably I may have picked up some debris the day before – the sponge filter fell off. (It ended up working and it felt like something dislodged somewhere…)

I can’t find directions, so I’m looking for advice on how to clean these. I can unscrew the tube end and the O-ring comes off. What else is there to these? Does the “inside” come out/apart?

Appreciate directions and experience. How often should I clean it?
On rare occasions my Pur needs to be primed in order to start pumping. That's probably similar to what you experienced. not that I can completely put my finger on it, but fiddling got it working. I've always been very good at planning ahead for water sources to avoid mucky filterings and have only needed to replace 1 filter. I have lubed it with the silicone stuff with excellent results. My friend picked up a new "Katahdin" Guide, and it was so smooth it felt like you weren't even pumping! Amazing how fast it worked.

So, I guess that didn't really answer your question ... but, yes the whole filter should slide out when you unscrew the bottom. Work it a bit. How many gallons do you think you've pumped? If it's up there, get a new filter, lube up the pump handle and you'll be back in business. If it labors and you don't think you're close to the est. usage limits, try the lubing. That may do the trick.
The filter does slide out of the housing and can be rinsed off and somewhat cleaned. On the older filters in my Pur I could scrub them with a toothbrush which definitely extended the life of the filter. The newer filters have some kind of sleeve thing which makes a field cleaning less effective(conversely I assume the newer filters last longer because of the sleeve). When reassembling, make sure the o-rings don't bind -- if there is an air leak that could cause the filter to not pump
PUR Scout

I have had a PUR Scout for many, many years and have nearly exceeded the filter life, but after some cleaning with baking soda and a toothbrush I felt I had a few more seasons left.

Instructions say its good for 700 gal (or something really high), and to keep it clean in this manner, but replace when filter element becomes frayed.
Its not there yet and still retains the impregnated iodine, more important, I have never been sick from pumped water anywhere used.

However, on my last trip I had a new problem where the pump stroke lost pressure. The rubber "O" ring on the pump shaft was sanded up and I think I messed the ring.
I cleaned it all out and resiliconed the seals and rings, but a new pump O ring is in need.
(The pump ring is accessed by forcefully pulling the pump handle out of the filter cartridge)

The Katadin Guide is the exact same model by new manufacturer, so maybe we start looking there.
Also, I thought I could just take the ring to a local hardware store and fish around for a match.

Nice filter. No problems until now.

BTW, neat trick to re-assembling the master housing filter O ring:
I used to be real patient and carefully press the ring back into master housing and around filter, then screw the cap on.
But I discovered if you simply rest the seal in place loosely, screw the cap back on and it equally presses the seal into place quickly and easily.
I don't think this was mentioned in instructions either.

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Ditto on the sand in the O-ring. I had teh same probelm several times over the years with my scout. It turned out that even a grain of snd in teh o-ring could cause the pump to develop backpressure and not pump through. I find it helps to wipe the O-ring down on a clean bandanna and then wipe off all the silicone from the housing and apply fresh silicone (I carry a very small tube) before reassembling.
DougPaul said:
Just a quick reminder--when you open a water filter it is very easy to contaminate it by getting "dirty" water on the clean side.


If doing a field clean operation, 1st pump water into a container (possible, if pump is in limited operation only of course)
Then dissemble the unit and use the purified water to clean internal parts and filter to prevent contamination. ;)

At home I use purified tap water with a few drops of bleach.

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Great fillter.I've had mine about 10 years.replace o ring every 3 years and lube every year.the filter screws out and I dry mine in the sun after every trip.also wrap unbleached coffee filter around filter and hold in place with rubber band as a prefilter,read about in backpacker tips section a few years ago.replace prefilter after every trip and your main filter stays great for years.I use mine alot.
Thanks all for the follow-up. My unit is several years old, but I really don't use it very often. I'll try to get it apart. I like the idea of using a little bleach as well as toothbrush and baking soda.

I'm not sure I understand the lube/silicone though. What/where?? Are we talking Gary's "It!" or WD-40?
bubba said:
Thanks all for the follow-up. My unit is several years old, but I really don't use it very often. I'll try to get it apart. I like the idea of using a little bleach as well as toothbrush and baking soda.

I'm not sure I understand the lube/silicone though. What/where?? Are we talking Gary's "It!" or WD-40?

bubba, there was a tiny tube (1 1/2" long and straw size in dia) of clear silicone that came with my unit in a tiny ziploc baggie. Also contained the large and small o-rings. Perhaps you've got this little kit stashed away somewhere. If not, e-mail Katahdin, I would bet they would get one out to you.
They used to sell silicone-o-ring kit and new tubes at mountaineer in keene valley.
Oh-tay... I'll look or buy. Hmmm... wonder where I would have put something like that...

I have a box with backpacking stuff -- maybe I did stash it there. thanks guys. Hey McPeak -- you heading over to the BBQ?? Maybe we'll get together. :cool:
In the event you cannot find your silicon and katadyn doesn't sell it, you can pick up a tiny 2" tub of "plumbers silicon" at most hardware stores for $3-$4. I got some a few years back at Home Depot, I use it mostly for the O-ring in when changing my home water filter.
bubba said:
Oh-tay... I'll look or buy. Hmmm... wonder where I would have put something like that...

I have a box with backpacking stuff -- maybe I did stash it there. thanks guys. Hey McPeak -- you heading over to the BBQ?? Maybe we'll get together. :cool:

Hopefully I'll make this one. Looking good, but still not a definite go...