Cliff and Redfield from Uphill Leanto 12/29

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Date: 12/28-12/30 (Redfield ascent on 12/29)

Trail: Approach to Lake Colden well established. Trail from Colden to Uphill leanto was packed but not well travelled. The standard herdpaths from Uphill leanto to Redfield and cliff were not broken and the snowdrift became less packed and more powdery with the gain in elevation (shoulder depth between 3500 and top).

We (myself and one other experienced 46er) were able to follow the herdpath up Redfield to the falls, at which time we had to find our own way. We packed a trail up the western slope of Redfield, fighting through 5+ ft drifts and thick spruces. It took 5 hours from uphill leanto for us to attain the summit. Map and compass were essential, as it was fogged in with no obvious summit.

We scouted the path to the vertical ascent on Cliff, but did not climb the wall. It is tricky to pick your way over there, and I suspect crampons an or ice axe might be handy for climbing the "cliff". We did not attempt it (Redfield was enough).

I suspect it would be difficult (but not impossible) to follow our tracks up Redfield. I would advice breaking off from our tracks at the falls.

(Trail Conditions not to be used as message board - rest of post deleted by moderator)
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