Cliff and Redfield

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Hiked in on Saturday night and hiked Cliff and Redfield on Sunday. The hike in had patchy snow and ice and near the Calamity Brook lean two there was still about a foot of snow. Temperatures dropped down to the 20's at night but was in the 30's maybe low 40's for awhile during Sunday. Redfield had 1-2 feet of snow at the top still and a couple inches of fresh snow at the top. micro Spikes did the trick for most of the trip. Crampons would have probably been a little better at the top of the mountain. We had trmemdous views on the way up on Redfield. On Cliff thre was far less snow and it was a really nice climb with lots of Rock Scrambling. The trip from Lake Colden out and back to Cliff and Redfield was gorgeous with lots of ice fromations in the stream and the waterfalls. There was at least a foot of packed snow and ice on the trail but with microspikes it was an easy trip. Sunday night got quite cold and monday morning we woke up to several inches of snow and more coming down which we hiked back out in. All in all it was a great trip