Cliff from Uphill Brook Leanto - Sat Feb 7

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Pete & Sharon and Mike re-broke the trail to Cliff on Feb 7, the trail was already broken to Flowed Lands and on to Uphill Brook. The snow was pretty deep, about a foot to 18" of powder from the last storm, over packed base. Nonetheless, easy to go through into spruce traps in spots, right down to hip deep or more.

Snowshoes obviously essential; we did not use our crampons, since it was pretty deep snow over the icy upper trail where it's steep - although crampons may now be necessary. It was about zero degrees F when we started, but rose to 30 by the time we summited at 2 pm; an icy drizzle began that stayed with us on the trip out - light, but glazing surfaces, including our own! So, I think you will find it icier than we did if you go there this week, especially with melt-freeze cycles this week. Good luck. (Sorry about those "butt slides" coming down the steep parts :)

The strange thing: we saw no one all day; parking lot was empty at arrival (7 am), 3 cars when we left. First time that ever happened to me in the High Peaks I think!
