Codger whacks Hoffman 07-31-2011

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Oct 21, 2007
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And Hoffman whacks back. Codger still standing. Hoffman still standing. But at precisely 1:05 pm codger standing on top of Hoffman. NO REMATCH! A short report and long one. Short one first. Started from trail to Big Pond and followed the ridge north till I got to the top. Now the long report. Left car at 8:45 with goal of summiting before 1:00, my standard turn-around time with rare and carefully-considered exceptions. Reached cairn at 11:45. Three things wrong with that. 1) I am not that fast. 2) My altimeter read 3200 (Hoffman is 3693). 3) Peering through the trees, a view of something higher to the north. TIP FOR NOVICES #1 - If you think you're on top but see higher ground nearby, you're not. So onward. Spencer says there's a herdpath. TIP FOR NOVICES #2 - If your idea of herdpaths was formed on the Sewards or Santanonis, be prepared to expand your definition. Spencer's criteria for herdpaths do not preclude the advisability of goggles, gloves, and long sleeves, which I was glad I had. I think he can suss out herdpaths that are less visible to eyes that lack the fire that burns in his. Anyhow, after lots of sweaty, buggy, scratchy upward effort, by 1:00 pm I had a sense that another five minutes would be rewarded and it was. What clinched it, aside from the heap of big rocks, was a two pieces of rusty perf strap still affixed to a downed tree next to the rock pile. In case you wondered, I left the lower cairn intact; I will not play the cairn cop. Now all that remained was to reverse course, and at 5:30 I was back at the car. BTW, I still need the Schroon Lake Blue Ridge and totally do not want to go back over Hoffman. If anyone plans to do it from the north and wants company, I'd welcome a private message.
That last section to the top is where most of the fun begins. Nice peak and trip report. Coming out the last couple of miles in the autmun dark with snow on the ground and by headlamp was 'interesting'.