cog/ammo parking - yet again

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Nov 18, 2004
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Hikin' the scree on Shasta....
in the hopefully unlikey event of using the jewell/ammo trails as possible bailouts of pressie traverse this weekend -- parking at the cog is going to be a problem as the drop-off times aren't going to mesh - (we want to be on trail early on friday)

if I recall - last year - there used to be small section of that lot (ammo lot) or even the driveway in ?? - that you could put a couple of cars - was anyone down there this weekend and did they see this?? I figure my truck has a parking sticker and all - I don't mind doing a bit a shovling if plowed in - but don't want to get towed!!

basically we need to dop the car late thurs night (like 9-10pm) I have no problem paying the cog - just they dont want care their ovenight due to plowing - I understand that.

how about this? - I don't like doing this idea - but was wondering what the feasilbilty would be - if we had to bail - trying to get a lift (hitchhike) from cog to parked car at highland center - I don't like relying on that - but if an emergency arises - this might be a feasible option.
After digging out my car at the cog, I did see one car parked at the Ammo parking lot. There does seem to be enough room for two or three cars provided one is not a hummer. In retrospect, I should have parked there instead of paying $10.00 to be buried in snow. If the snow comes early this week, the road will have already been plowed, so you should be safe.
I've parked at the Ammo driveway before without any problems, that day there were 3 others parked in there. I backed in so it was easier to get out if I was plowed in. Last year I paid $10 at the Cog because the driveway was full.