Cog Railway Prelim Station Changes; Snowcat Operations to be reviewed 9/15/21

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Sep 29, 2003
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For anyone interested, the Coos County planning board agenda has been updated to include the following items:

Mount Washington Railway Company- Conceptual Consultations
1. Waumbeck Station lean-tos - proposed increase in length of platform
2. Waumbeck Station lean-tos - proposed increase in width of platform
3. Winter season Snowcat tours/Snowcat Skiing

The meeting will take place 9/15 at 6pm, location: North Country Resource Center, 629 Main Street, Lancaster, NH
The minutes of the last planning board meeting have to be approved at the next meeting before publication. The next posted meeting it October 6th so the minutes should be up soon after. IMO the planning board could have stopped this development previously when the gave after the fact permission to the original structures being built. My guess is the current planning board with essentially the same members will vote to approve the application. Unlike other more controversial Cog proposals, there is no organized opposition to these minor expansions or activities at the base station.

The far more controversial potential applications for the major rework at the summit of the tracks and platforms (drawings on the Coo County website) appears to be derailed pending the state of NH signing off on the application and the Cog hotel which never was applied for remain in limbo. Both of those proposed projects do have organized opposition. The upgrade of the rails and the most likely eventual running of two tracks to the summit will at some point really cramp their potential revenue so I expect at minimum the summit upgrades will come back to to the forefront.
I had a family issue and could not attend. I have an associate that was there for another matter and also had to leave before the Cog presentation. However, he indicated the only people in the meeting room were the planning board and a representative from the Cog.
I think if a member of the general public shows up a planning board meeting they are quite surprised. Its usually the parties with business before the board and opponents. I got a friend of mine to attend a meeting pre covid on the Cog expansion on the summit and they had to put out a few extra chairs.
In my opinion the Cog had a much larger presence at the summit for years before any large groups of hikers or envirement types flooded the mountian and are entitled to an expansion to make it more safe and user friendly if they wish.
In my opinion the Cog had a much larger presence at the summit for years before any large groups of hikers or envirement types flooded the mountian and are entitled to an expansion to make it more safe and user friendly if they wish.
I’m with you on that. The Hotel would be nice too. A Steam Punk Pilsner would taste pretty good at 5000 feet.
Lots of mountaintop hotels in Europe. If done right, can be cool. Mt. Washington is a bit overrun but I think that ship has sailed.