cold backside

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the starchild

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Sep 7, 2004
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key west. Avatar: south sister rim
this question is inspired by the "insulation thread", which by the way i was quite scared a few winters back hiking down lafyette and being very, very cold down there brrr....., anyways its valentine's day and my lady friend's buttocks region gets very cold. we thought of making some superwarm undies when looking at all the raw material in ragged mtn's basement, but after reading the windboxer post i have to ask if there's anything for women all ready on the market?

and if so, can i get it in red and shipped before tommorow :rolleyes:
Cold Bum

My bum used to get very cold until I started to wear a uni-suit or a farmers john. It is fleeced on the inside (lightly) and flat weave on the outside with flat seams throughout. They work wonderfully, for me. Except the back slit by which means one is suppose to relieve themselves- It is a tight fit. I have a sleeveless version and I can adjust it very well to the existing conditions by putting on different wt. layers underneath- or over. By wearing it I can also eliminate some of the chaffing that I experience especially in the cold months.
I hope I have the name of the garment correct- this is not a piece of underwear or a base layer.
I purchased mine from campmore- their own brand. I only wear it when it will be very cold

Good luck and Happy Trails
cold butt

this is pretty obvious but i'll say it anyway -
many of the clothes we wear hiking don't go down much past the waist. soooooo how about longer items. my super duper warm jacket goes down past my butt (is she a small by any chance - look at the golite 6 month parka on (( and no i am not drinking again!))
also; i wear fairly tight fitting cross country ski pants that have a fine layer of insulation. they keep you quite warm. either nils or roffe brands can often be found on sale on sierra trading posts site. i love these pants for winter hiking bec they are warm, a nice snug fit vs big and baggy, waterproof and stretchy.

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