Colorado in September?

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May 29, 2005
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I'm planning to take a hiking/camping trip to Colorado and wondering about general conditions in September. I've hiked quite a bit in the Whites but nowhere else. In particular, I certainly wouldn't want to end up like those poor souls involved in the recent Madison rescue, by thinking along the lines of: 'September is a great time to hike in NH so that *must* be the case in Colorado as well' :)

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Colorado in September is quite beautiful, and even more so in early October as their foliage season really gets into gear. Lots of beautiful heather turning shades of purple, aspens turning yellow ... rather stunning. The weather tends to be more stable in September with fewer thunderstorms. I think you'll have a great time - just keep in mind if you're at upper elevation it will get below freezing at night, colder than the Whites at the same time, so adjust your sleeping bag accordingly. Depending upon where you go, and how high you are, you might consider a pair of light crampons to deal with icy patches. Have a great trip.
I went in early September a couple of years ago. Beautiful time of year. Aspens were just turning color. Low 30s to upper 20s at night. Typical daytime highs varied from 70 in the valleys to upper 40s at summits. However, I did get caught in a near whiteout on Mt. Elbert. About halfway down, I told a group of (underprepared) hikers of the conditions on top. Their "leader" laughed at me and said "It can't be snowing, it's 50 degrees". Can't argue with stupid.

Photos attached.
September is perfect in Colorado, just be prepared for anything. Might be hot one minute and snowing the next.
I agree with the others that September can be a beautiful month with the aspen trees and more stable weather. It is more like October in NH.

However by mid-September you are looking at a good chance of an 8" snowstorm even down at 5000'. With the dry air it may melt off in a couple days and it may not hit everywhere so a flexible schedule is important.

-rs (who has climbed 51 of the CO P1k peaks, mostly in Sept.)
Thanks for the comments folks. I can't wait to get out there! :cool:
As a Coloradoan, I completely agree that September is a terrific month for backpacking! The snow is at its maximum retreat, the monsoon shuts off around Labor Day, and the snows don't ~usually~ kick in until October. The second half of September could yield some beautiful foliage, depending on your specific location.
Of course, there is always the possibility for a cold snap and a snowstorm, and the higher summits will likely be at least dusted in snow once.

Feel free to PM me for suggestions or beta.

RoySwkr - I've been a fan of listsofjohn for some time. Great site for obsessive peakbaggers!
My first trip to Colorado was in Sept 1970. I arrived that tuesday after Labor Day. Nights were already getting below freezing and that friday I was greated with 12+ inches of snow in Denver. The following friday another foot of snow. Most ski resorts were open in early Oct and by Christmas we were outside in shorts and tee shirts in Denver, but the mtns were still getting plenty of snow. Weather is very much like NE. Be prepared for just about anything. What a beautiful state. Everyone needs to visit Colorado at least once in their life. Enjoy!!!
Lets see.... I was in Colorado in mid-sept in 2001 (I think). Lousy weather The road going across RMNP was closed. I couldn't climb Long because of the snow. From what I'm reading here, that seems like an anomoly, however, it goes to show that should be prepared.
To me its a trade off. The thunderstorms slow down signifgently but you can get snow and or cold. This summer will be my 6th full season of climbing in CO and to me the season for the high peaks goes into October, I never think of september as a bad month, as with the Whites say in oct you just pack 3 season loads in order to be equipped for any possibilities. remember " Intelligent Risk Management"