Colvin, Blake's Peak, Nippletop and Dial

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T. Earley


Trail Conditions: Trail was really not too awful muddy. Started from the parking lot outside the golf course on route 73. Hiked in on the public footpath and started at 7:30am.

Special Equipment Required: Gaiters were helpful as some areas were pretty messy. No other special equipment needed

Comments: Started hiking at 7:30am and hit the summit of Colvin at about 10am (a little too late for sunrise, but still spectactular views) went over to Blake's Peak and almost to the Lookout point and that was a let down as there was no real summit point (still in the trees). We headed over to Nippletop and hit the summit sometime around the noon hour with the sun sheding light on all of the colors on the slopes. It was beautiful. We headed thru Elks Pass and up Dial to hit the 4th and final summit of the day. Conditions were dry for the most part, but soggy in some low lying areas. Made it back to the car at 5:30pm for a total of about 19 miles and a 10 hour hike. Great day!

T. Earley
[email protected]