With Vaseline soaked cotton balls stored in a film container and waterproof matches, be careful you don't set the woods on fire.
Best to practice when there is no emergency. Practice making a fire in a downpour and wind or when it's so cold you can't keep you gloves off for very long. If you can do that you can handle any real emergency.
It's fun!
Those strips can deteriorate pretty quickly in damp/wet weather. I'm thinking about getting that FireSteel thing NewHampshire was talking about.
I like the dryer-lint-with-vaseline idea and may add some to my kit.
Me too when going overnight. Used some recently as I had started the fire but hadn't gathered enough small stuff to keep it going. White gas is considered cheating, but who the flock would care if it's a situation ? Or even if you just want to start the darn fire ?
Cool thing. Obviously you wouldn't want snow or ice as your base without some sort of plan. I carried a decent length of wire for a while that was, like, quintuple purposed. One was to create a net or basket that the fire or my stove could exist on above the snow/ice.
I cant agree with your logic for this reason, if in fact someone is immobile do to an injury, having firestarter material is a moot point because you will be unable to gather wood to sustain your fire.
Actually, I had said "limited mobility" not "immobile." Another example would be if you just got soaked through and are in danger of hypothermia - the time-saving advantage of having firestarter material could be very valuable. I certainly agree that anyone who spends time in the backcountry should learn how to make a fire using what is available naturally. However, in an emergency situation, why not cheat a little?
I wouldnt go so far as calling it cheating .