Congrats Dave!

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May 27, 2009
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Congrats to Dave Metsky on his successful finish of the Boston Marathon today!
Congratulations, Dave!

21,177th overall
12,450th among all men
2,406 among his division
Congratulations Dave! :) Awesome job!!

Yippee also for two American women and one man in the top 5. Four men under 2:05 with the winner in 2:03:02??!! :eek: Will we see sub-2 in our lifetimes???
Yippee also for two American women and one man in the top 5. Four men under 2:05 with the winner in 2:03:02??!! :eek: Will we see sub-2 in our lifetimes???
Yeah! Pretty amazing!! Strong tailwind today -- mighta helped? I remember the strong head wind last year, and Cheruub still managed to break a course record!!! But I'm most impressed by Dave. :)
I used to run to train, farthest I ever ran was 10 miles, 26 miles is a long way. quite an accomplishment, conratulations dave.
Thank you all, it was a great experience running the Boston Marathon, and seeing a half dozen folks from VFTT along the way made it even more special.

Slowly recovering and planning a few spring ski trips