Crawford-Ridgepole Trail to Mt. Percival

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Date of Hike: May 2, 2008

Trail Conditions: Overall the trail from Sandwich Notch Road to Mt. Percival is in good condition. There are blowdowns that will need to be cleared out and some wet sections with scattered patches of snow. LOTS of evidence of moose all along the trail. Spring conditions but a great trail to do while waiting for the rest of the snow to melt up North.

Special Equipment: None

Comments: Sandwich Notch Rd. is now officially open thanks to a a nice Road Maintenance worker, Colin Weeks. We pulled up to Sandwich Notch Rd and it was closed. Colin Weeks pulled in shortly after to check the road. We helped him shovel out a portion of the big snow embankment blocking the road and drove the 4 wheel drive (go Priscilla) around it. Mr. Weeks told us he would have it bulldozed out by the time we returned and he kept his promise!!!! There are good people out there!!!!

Mary and Priscilla