CT/Mass Hike?


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2003
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Arvada, CO Avatar: Colden Spies ADKs
Anyone interested in doing a CT or Central Mass hike on Friday?

I would be happy to reveal the secret location of the CT highpoint to anyone who would like guidance. Small bushwhack is required!

OK, I'll bite.

The CT HP is neither a secret nor a bushwhack. Am I wrong?
You are correct Tramper Al.

Not sure what he is talking about unless, he just recently learned that Bear mountain isn't the highest point in CT. Still doesn't explain the bushwhack remark though. :)

perhaps the trail up the river into Sage's ?
It makes for a quick trip for a dip on a hot day.

Ha Ha!

Well, if you come with me it will be a bit of a bushwhack. My preferred route is to take the under-mountain trail up over Bear, then shoot a line straight down to the AMC hut. Then up, and over Frissel, and back, going around Bear on the way back. This is really a fun hike.

Why is it hidden. Ok you are right, it is not. It took us two times, and we were thoroughly lost the first time, due to want of a good map. So, it was hidden to us until we found this nice comprimise that gets both "summits".

As I said, I would love to have some company on this endeavor.

I was actually thinking about this area for the following Friday (4/15), since I have to be in Albany the day before for work and I can stay with family or friends in the area. I was thinking about hitting the ADKs that weekend but now I'm thinking twice due to mud/erosion potential up there.
For the Mass/CT hike I was thinking about doing Bear w/ Everett. I don't know the area that well, except for some basic info in a trail guide and the great responses to the questions I posted on another thread. I look forward to your trip report.

I am likely to be available that Friday, but I would have my son with me. He is really a joy to be around, but I put the disclaimer in there because some people don't appreciate hiking with kids. Nothing against them personally, everyone has their own style.

Friday represents a guilt free hiking day for me, so I'd like to do something cool. Anyone interested in a VT 20 mile Mt. Glastonbury loop? How about a significantly shorter Stratton? The Cats are also an option for me.
