Out of curiosity has anyone climbed Currier Mountain in Jefferson NH? It is in the Dartmouth Range just west of Jefferson Notch road. On Google Earth there are open ledges facing east and potentially good views towards Jefferson and Adams. From a distance it has a similiar "look" to Haystack in Twin Mountain. Looking quickly through old AMC guides, there used to be two trails to it, one from the west and one from the east but these days the whole area looks like its a trial ground for various USFS cutting techniques. I expect with a GPS and a mountain bike, access via the logging roads in the area would get someone close by and maybe there may be a trace of the old Mill Brook Trail to the summit
This area has always interested me. Its a big block of forest that used to have fairly extensive hiking trails and a couple of interesting summits which has slowly reverted to raw forest land.
Probably an adventure to save up after the woods have thawed out and dried up.
This area has always interested me. Its a big block of forest that used to have fairly extensive hiking trails and a couple of interesting summits which has slowly reverted to raw forest land.
Probably an adventure to save up after the woods have thawed out and dried up.