Dawn Patrol


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New member
May 3, 2006
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Hello Eveyone =)

I'm a new member, and wanted to say hi. Also wanted to see if I could recruit anyone for some morning hikes. By morning i mean before the sun comes up.. :eek: yikes! Not sure if this is the right forum for this or if this should go into the trips forum? Probably creat another one in the trip forum if anyone is interested, I will pin down a date.

Anyone here do dawn hikes? I've never been up anything more seriouse than Watchusett at night, but I am planning on going up to NH soon. Why morning hikes you ask. Well, i just went to my night time shift rotation so...

IF you are interested in night hikes, please post. If you have some experience with night hikes, please post.

i've done a night hike before. i can understand why you'd like to do that especially on a clear night when the stars are out. gives you something nice to look at while you take a breather or what not. best advice is to make sure you got a good headlamp with a spare set of batteries. no fun hiking up totally blind.
Welcome Wet, :)

I've moved this to Trips & Events, I think that fits better. I wish I could get out before dawn, I'm lucky to get to work at a reasonable hour as it is.

Hi and welcome.

Dawn hikes sound wonderfull. I hike with my teenage son who likes to sleep to the crack of noon.
I'm a little out of range for impromptu dawn hikes in NH, but I do enjoy them.

Dawn Patrol... good song ;)
About half of my hikes this winter ended at night, that's probably my favorite time of year for hiking after dark. Mosquitos in the summer usually keep me from tramping after the sun goes down but I do want to at some point hike up Mt Washington in August in the wee hours to watch the metorites and then the sunrise from the top. Maybe take the auto road up.
Ok, I think the first Dawn Patrol is going to be on Moosilakee. (did i spell that right). It's an easier hike, with a mild trail and the clear summit should make it fun. No dates as of yet. I want to keep an eye on trail condition and make sure the footing is good before going up there in the dark.

For those who are interested -
I hike at a moderate pace, but take few breaks.
I hike with a dog.
I will be driving up from the Boston area (carpool)
As my screen name implies there is a general tendancy for rapid onset of unanticipated percipitation on the moister side of dry when I hike. consider yourself warned......

I am thinking maybe towards the latter part of this month this trip can happen. Midweek is more likely than a weekend daytrip.
Follow the AMC Guidebook...


Just make sure that you follow the AMC Guidebook's recommendation on which trail to take/not to take.

I remember when I bagged Mousilauke, I did, and the trail was really easy- good footing, easy grades, not slippery, etc. The people I met on the summit didn't, and based on their feedback, made me glad I took the trail I did. Sorry, don't remember the trail names, and my Guidebook is (literally) several thousand miles away.
The easiest trail for a nighttime trip up Moosilauke would be the Carriage Road. It's a bit longer (5 miles) verses Gorge Brook (3.7 miles) but the footing is much easier. Gorge Brook, which starts from the Ravine Lodge, is the most popular route, but it's not the easiest.

I suspect the trail that the people that lx93 met came up Beaver Brook, with is very steep and not something I'd want to try in the dark.

Wet said:
IF you are interested in night hikes, please post. If you have some experience with night hikes, please post.

I like night hiking. I like to star gaze and experience the sounds of the woods at night.

Overlook Mt. in the Catskills is an easy night hike that passes by some old ruins to a fire tower and good views of the Hudson valley. The Crawford path in the Whites is also an interesting place by the light of the moon.
It looks like 5/31/06 is the date. I am not sure I will get any bites on this or not, but here it is. Moosilauke on 5/31/06, gonna leave Boston area around 0000 hrs... arrive up there around 0200-0230 hrs. Should be able to summit for 5am ish. Might even leave a little earlier.
Will be brining my dog, my light, and anyone who is interested in a unique experience.