Devil's Path (Catskills) - 6/4/05

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Nov 29, 2004
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Hurley, NY
Having just finished the "Escape the Escarpment" hike I figure it's time for a new challenge. While on the hike I learned of the "Devil's Path dayhike." From what I can gather it is a 27 mile trail that goes over 7 peaks in the Catskills with an elevation gain of somewhere around 9-10,000.' Weather permitting I am planning on doing it Saturday June 4th. I'll do it alone but it would be nice if someone else (or more) wants to tackle this challenge with me. I'll warn you that I'm a "fast" hiker and average 3mph or so (although elevation gain can affect this). If you're interested PM me and/or add to the thread.
I would be too slow and can't do it the 4th but, anybody interested later in the year I would like to do this as well- lets call it a second chance for me.
It's not that long, I think it's more like 24.X miles and around 8.5-9k feet of ascending.

It is more of a rockier trail than the escarpment. I know I wore my regular midweights to hike it last year and we did it from Prediger to Spruceton Road.

I might be in the catskills then but off with the Rainier folks.

I would spot a car at 214 (Notch Lake) with water and food so that you can refill with water before the climb towards West Kill. We had ice cream there last year from Rob (i12climbup) and Carla, Darren, and Mary.

We also had some resupply points in Pecoy Notch too and I think even Jimmy Dolan notch...

It also doesn't go over 7 3500' peaks,

Indian Head, Twin, Sugarloaf, Plateau, and West Kill

It doesn't go to the summit of Hunter Mtn, BTW..

having said that, I might be in the catskills that weekend with other Rainier folks and in the area of West Kill/ND/Sherrill. Maybe we could provide a water cache for you somewhere... Let us know your plans.. I think it took me about 13/14 hours to do the whole thing, but then we took like a 1/2 hour break at 214 eating lunch and breaks.

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Okay looks like I will do this trip with Lumberzac and the rest of the people from the backpacker forum. If anyone else is interested follow the link that he posted.
Tuco said:
I would be too slow and can't do it the 4th but, anybody interested later in the year I would like to do this as well- lets call it a second chance for me.

Hey Eric, keep me posted on your plans as I might join you.
mtn.goat said:
Okay looks like I will do this trip with Lumberzac and the rest of the people from the backpacker forum. If anyone else is interested follow the link that he posted.

mtn.goat - we're not to have any water cashes on the trail specifically. However, we will be camping at Devils Tombstone Campground and we will have supplies there. You can cashe food/water/supplies there if you like. IT is the mid point of the trail.
Hey ENS- Nice of you to poke your head in here!

I won't be making it to DPDH. I want to, but its the day of my buddies bachelor party, so that kinda has precedence. Hope everyone has a safe journey!
