Devils Path Hike

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New member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Warwick, NY ( 3 miles by crow from Wildcat Shelter
Unfortunately, I could not attend the Devils Path marathon hike due to a memorial service for Paul Leikin scheduled for the same day (5/22) that I felt obligated to attend. So, how did it go? I know it was a warm muggy day with a good chance of thundershowers. How was the participation and did anyone make it for the entire distance? I was surprised that there were no reports on this event on this board. How much money was pledged by hikers on this event for Brain Tumor Society & the Trail Conference?
Thanks Warren for the link. I don't usually go to the General Back Country board. Now I also found JimB 's trip report. Am glad to hear the thunderstorms missed the Catskills also and a good time was enjoyed by all. I hope to make the Gathering in the Catskills in September so I get to meet all of you.
Hey Aaron, I'm working on a trail report as I speak. And I'm kind of including Fridays and Sunday's activities too so I should be done tonight. We all did have a great time, I think. I'll have to see if I can make the sept. Gathering....

I'm also working on a final tally of our fund raising efforts too..
