Dial and Nippletop Saturday February 5


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Oct 6, 2003
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Illumination Rock, Mount Hood.
Time to think about this weekend. Originally I planned on skipping this weekend (due to some little game being played on Sunday), but the great weather is calling everyone out. I'm looking at a day hike of Dial and Nippletop. The plan would be to go up Gill Brook via the shortcut trail (past the start of Gill Brook). I'll crash in the parking lot on Friday night and get a warm breakfast at Noonmark before the start. Hit the trail no later than 8:00. Any interested participants?.
Dial and Nippletop

A distinct possibililty.. I will post to let you know for sure a bit later in the week
Hello again Ed,
Nathalie and I are also heading that way on Saturday.
We'll leave early from Montreal so if we are not there for 8am, we'll catch up on the trail.
Dial and...

Do any of you know how much time this hike could take (medium speed) ?
I would have to be back in montreal at supper time so maybe start earlier than 8 oclock...
If it can be done in 8 or 8.30 hours i will be there...
Hi Louis,

I think you will have no problem with that time estimate. I have heard the trails were in good shape. I might be a little slower, but you will most likely cruise at your own speed.
I'll be there

Unless something unexpected comes, I will be there... I'm aiming to start between 7 and 8... hope i meet you on the trail guys (and girl).
It looks like we will be four groups heading toward Dial and Nippletop. I'll crash at the trail head Friday night (silver Ford Explorer) and get up at 6:00 to catch a breakfast at Noonmark. I'll will leave the trail head between 7:30 - 8:00. My planned route is still the short cut at 3.7 miles down the road. I will see everyone on the route. Take care and have a safe trip.
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I will be sleeping in my car (red suzuki esteem) in the parking..see you tomorrow
Louis - What time do you plan on getting tonight. I'll be in the parking lot also (Silver Explorer). I might head down to the Ausable Inn for a couple before crashing.

Sadly, I will probably be there a bit late for a couple (10h30 - 11h)... I have a dinner date in montreal to go to before I leave (busy social schedule)...
I think I should try to hit the trail around 6h30.. hope you join me...