Dial-Blake & Dix Range


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Active member
Oct 6, 2003
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Illumination Rock, Mount Hood.
I am looking into a trip later in February starting on the trail to the Dix range off route 73. The first leg involves leaving the trail and following the ridge leading to Dial. Cross over Dial and setup a campsite in the col just after Dial The following day travel to Nippletop, Colvin and Blake returning to the campsite for the evening.

The third day work back to the trail towards the Dix Range and pass over Dix and establish a camp in the col just before Hough. The next day, Hough, South & East Dix and Macomb returning to Camp. The last day is to travel out back to route 73.

Of course weather will play the usual spoiler, but assuming Mother Nature plays nice this just might work. Does anyone have knowledge of the bushwhack up Dial and returning to the Dix trail? The map attached will help explain the planned route. Other suggestions would be appreciated.


I did the bushwhack from the Dix trail to Dial summit along the ridge you're talking about last winter. Overall, very open woods and a nice trip. Things get a little steeper and thicker over the last 300 vertical feet or so, but still mild compared to most Adirondack bushwhacks approaching the 4,000 foot level. There must have been a den of coyotes in that area last year because we could here them the whole way up. So, keep your ears peeled, and if you're lucky, perhaps you'll even see one.

I can't offer and feedback about the bushwhack back to the Dix trail, but I'm sure that PinPin Jr. can.

Dial to Dix trail route

We went down the same way your route indicates, the first section down from the col (3800' to 3300') is full of unpleasant surprises: blowdown, tall ledges, cliffs, etc. and will require low speed and careful route choosing.

The lower section was fine, mostly open forest, if you keep a straight route across the Boquet towards the Dix trail.

Have fun!

I went up the N. Fork of the Bouquet , following the northern most branch to the ridge. Floyd (and/or a more recent storm) did a bit of a number on the river- I think the junction of the creeks was really bad, a few areas where the trees were all down.

The woods were less crazy tree wreckage the higher & lower you were in the valley. The thick of it is above the junction of the creeks. Or at the junction. Don't recall exactly.

I've wondered at following a beeline from the trail junction below Nippletop to Hunter's Pass as a way to cross over to the Dix range. I figured there would be a herd path or it would be evil.

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