Dial/Nippletop – Dec 21st


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Sep 4, 2004
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Portland Oregon
Trail was broken to the shoulder of Noonmark (not to Bear Den as the guy at the Ausable gate assured us at 5:45 am). Now the trail is broken all the way to NT and return.

Was very cold and got colder. No sun. Few views. Lots of fluffy snow. Who knew that Dial was 3 hrs from Nippletop? Indeed, who knew that the Elk Pass trail intersection (0.2 miles from NT according to the sign there) was 33 min from NT in one direction ("to" about 4/10 mi/hr) but only 15 min in the other direction ("from" a "respectable" 1 mi/hr)? T'was hard work coming and going but we did get our peaks!

We returned via the same path we took. In places it was hard to follow our path. Those who come later in the season will have the opinion that they are the first to break this trail but although our trace may not be visible, we have packed it for you (somewhat). Good luck.

Got back to the car at 6:30 pm only to find the upper lot off Rt 73 (the one on the Roaring Brooks side) "ploughed in." Took us 45 min to dig out. About the last thing that either of us wanted to do. "They" seem to be maintaining the lower lot very nicely (t'was scrapped and very clean when we returned).

Need snowshoes. No use for crampons. Need warm clothes.