Digital Camera Failures

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Sep 8, 2003
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FWIW (for what its worth), here is an article you may want to have if your digital camera is failing, or has failed. I am posting it on VFFT because we will all be using our cameras in conditions of high heat and high humidity.

-Sony makes CCD sensors for four major camera companies
-The CCD sensors are not as humidity resistant as they should be
-There may be an extended warranty for your camera.
Thanks for the link, bookmarked the site. My Canon Digital Rebel experienced near 100% humidity and temperature around 92 degrees in King Ravine, and it outlasted me! I could barely breathe, no problems with the camera.

Happy Trails!
From the reports, it sounds to me like extended exposure to heat and humidity is the problem rather than short-term exposure.

However, I doubt that condensation inside a camera is ever good for it...

jjo said:
Thanks for info and link. A little common sense is needed too. I would think High humidity and heat would not be good for any cam with its intricate mechanisms.
The specific problem in this case relates to the use of epoxy packages on the CCDs. The fix is a ceramic package. This suggests that the problem is diffusion of water into the CCD packages rather than the mechanicals or moisture on the circuit boards. (But it isn't good in those places either...)

Good article. But I was a tad disapointed there weren't any tips on how to prevent leaving your memory card in your computer and discover you've done so when you're already out on the trail. :D :D :D
I use an Olympus Stylus Digital Camera,which is weather resistant and has a metal case. I've been in the heat and humidity, under waterfalls and in the rain and have never had a problem. Only dropped once, not even a scratch on the case.