Dillyin' Around Kinsman Ridge/Gordon Pond 7/16/11


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2005
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Lebanon, NH Avatar: Philosopher?
The nice thing about having Thu-Sat off, I get to go hiking on off days. This helps me if I'm looking to avoid the larger crowds. Yesterday was a perfect (and when I say perfect, I mean PERFECT) day to go hiking. Long lost Mattl and I schemed and figured out an interesting trek, across some very rugged terrain, just to get to gorgeous backcountry Gordon Pond. The route was the cliffy Dilly Trail, then up, down, up, up, down, down, across, behind, inside, and then down one more time the Kinsman Ridge trail to the Gordon Pond trail to the deer fly infested pond.

First, the lovely view alonf Rt 118 not too far from Ravine Lodge Rd.

I couldn't find much info on the Dilly Cliffs trail, just that its very steep (700 feet in somethin' like 1/2 mile), very obscure to follow past the viewpoint after all the climbing, and that it leaves from Lost River. There were signs at the beginning and "end" of the path, saying its very difficult. The verdict? Yeah it was very steep, but not horrible. The section at the top wasn't really obscure to me, but there were a few herd paths going in different directions (lots of moose poopus up there) so if you are really tired, its late, not paying attention and inexperienced at following trails, I suppose you could take the wrong path. Anyways...

We're goin up there?


A quick turn to the right brought us to the outlook, more of a downlook...

Up towards the direction of the massive Mt Moosilauke

When traveling north on the Kinsman Ridge, we spotted what looked like a viewpoint off trail, on the right. Pretty good one too...



After the viewpoint, the trail dropped down, went up a bit, and was fairly level for at least a mile or so, which was nice on my already tired legs and lungs. While in here we passed some very tall and old hardwoods.


another sneak-a-view towards the east

Unfamiliar views for familiar peaks for me

Stay tuned for Gordon Pond in part 2...
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Gordon Pond

From the last viewpoint, the trail dropped in a big way down to the Gordon Pond trail junction. I was not looking forward to hiking back up that crap, but that's what happens, right? Footing was a bit awkward heading down too. But before we knew it, we were heading down the Gordon Pond trail. The atmosphere immediately changed. You could tell it was hiked much less than Kinsman Ridge. There was one large mud bucket before the outlet to the pond as well. Care was taken not to fall in. I nearly succeeded. haha

Anyhoo, here are pics of the pond.
Mt Wolf on the left...the water appears low compared to other pics I have seen online

I followed a moose path around the entire pond, while snapping photos like a mad man, and running from deer flies thick as moose fur.


On the other side...that hump of a hill in the background would absolutely kick my arse heading back.

the meadow surrounding the pond is absolutely beautiful


One more for the road...

At this point, the deer flies were so bad that we split, and ran for cover in the trees along the trail for lunch. Aside from one lingering fly (which btw, is now in insect heaven), it was much easier to consume my turkey sandwich. Overall the bugs were next to nothing besides the deer flies yesterday. Thank god for low humidity.

The trip back was quite difficult for me, thanks to all the bumps, and all out steep climbs along the Kinsman Ridge trail. One lady came along, asking us if the trail we were on was still the AT. I think the steeps were affecting her more than me.

Past the Dilly trail, the terrain started to angle downhill, but wasn't too steep...yet. We came across a boggy area with a GREAT view towards the Moose. Too bad the sun was in the way, as you really cannot see it in my pic.

After the bog, the steep walk down to the road began in earnest. Maybe it was because I was tired, but I wonder if the steep section there was worse than on the Dilly trail. There was a little scrambling on Dilly, but on Kinsman ridge it just went straight down, aaaaaaaaalllll the way to the road. Talk about a smack in the face if you are a north bounder hiking the AT!!

Anyways, a short walk along Rt 112 brought us back to Lost River, and the car, but not before we found a patch of amazing wild strawberries. Yum.

It was a good hike overall. I wish I could have stayed at the pond longer, but hey, maybe next time right?
