Dix (from Round Pond)


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Feb 12, 2005
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Avatar is on Gannett Peak, Wyoming's high point.
Date of Hike: Sunday May 4, 2008

Trail Conditions: Spotty snow starts about 2300', total coverage by about 3000'. LOTS of blowdown, mostly small stuff but some big ones too. As soon as I went into the woods from the slide, the snow was deep and soft. Put snowshoes on at that point, wore them until I hit the alpine zone but should have worn them longer. Still quite a bit of snow up on the ridge, sunk up to my thighs a few times. Stream crossing at the leanto required getting my feet wet, almost no rocks poking above the water level. Where there's no snow, there's lots of mud!

Special Equipment Required: Still need snowshoes! Looked like someone recently bare-booted up, but they must have been exhausted given the number and depth of postholes!

Comments: Intended to do Hough as well, but from about 3800 feet and up, the cloud cover was thick. Winds were howling across the summit ridge, decided Hough could wait!