Dix Range (5 peaks) via Boquet - Feb 1 and 2, 2008


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Date: Feb 1 and 2, 2008

Base camp at 2100', near South Fork of Boquet River.

Feb 1: We Climbed East Dix via the Slide, then South Dix, Macomb and Hough. The herdpath along South Boquet was impossible to find. 4 to 8 inches of new snow. Grace Slide: hard snow for the first 3/4, then snow and ice for the last part. Herdpath between the 4 peaks: very difficult to follow, 5 to 10 inches of new snow. We followed some old tracks under 6 inches of snow, from South Dix to Macomb. We bushwhacked from Hough to South Boquet and we broked a nice trail along South Boquet.

Feb 2: Dix Mtn: We climbed by the brook coming down from Hough-Dix col, but we took a bad way at 3300' (at the right). We bushwhacked to the ridge to Dix at 4300'. The herdpath on the ridge is easy to follow, but not easy to walk (deep snow under an icy crust. Very icy trees). From Beckhorn to the summit: icy conditions, easy to follow. We reached the Hough-Dix Col (at 4000') on the descent, then we bushwhack to reach the brook and our tracks of the morning. Very easy bushwhack.

The herdpath from 73 to South Boquet is easy to follow at the beginning, but very hard to find after about a mile. Icy crust over 3 inches of new snow (hail).

Special equipment: Snowshoes, hiking poles. Crampons and ice axe very usefull on the Grace Slide. Map, compass or gps if you never been there before.

Comment: a very difficult trip with no views. My hardest climb in the Adirondacks. Great Mtns!

Name: Dan!