Dixes, herdapths maintenance and blood clinic, June 3 & 15, 2008


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Regarding weather and biting insects timing is the essence when planning trail maintenance. For unknown reasons it never ever works as planned. Thankfully we can always blame the weatherman for our misery. This spring, above 3000’, we found much more blowdown than anticipated, inconsequence it took two visits to clear both branches of the Lillian Brook approach and the herdpath traveling from Dix to Hough to Pough to Carson. The Carson to Grace section was taken care of May 30 by Brian Hoody and Macomb Mt. will soon be visited by Wendy Grubbs (daughter of Len G. our dedicated 46-Rs trail master) and her husband. Not only did we clear the paths but we took great pain to feed every black fly we met! That is dedication, isn’t it? Yesterday was the worse it has been in years as they were parked in dark clouds all along the ridge guarding the views for themselves only to enjoy. The good news being that a lower elevation there are far less numerous and have now left the low lands to the Deer Fly. There is no doubt that Gary and I, even though, we felt as if we had been soaked in Deet, have caught Mad Black Fly disease. We tried all day to convince ourselves that we were very lucky to be up there on such a beautiful day… to no avail. This spring the Alpine vegetation is magnificent due to its protection all winter of a deep snow cover. Mind you it appears that there is still plenty of the white stuff available to skiers on Marcy snow-fields. Right now herdapths and trails are lined by a variety of wildflowers dominated by Clintonia and the Rockly ledges above tree line are a showcase for Labrador Tea (white Rhododendron), Leather Leaf (white bell shaped) and Bog Laurel (deep pink Kalmia).

Being harried by the company we found unknown reserve of energy to toss fallen tree tops about, so much that Gary had to mention to a passing-by climber that during my younger years I was a member the East German swimming team… not sure yet if that was a compliment…