Dixes Traverse


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Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Florida, NY
Anyone interested in a travese of the Dix Range this weekend?
Dates are flexible, so is the timetable. One day or two I have no preference.
I'm planning to ascend Slide Brook and descend via Beckhorn or Hunter Pass.
My kids and I need the Dix range as well, minus Macomb. I may be heading up this weekend with them, I was thinking the Bouquet River route? Does that interest you at all?

BTW, I'm Mavs00's wife.
Due to the weather I canceled my Dix plans for last weekend. I have rescheduled for Sunday 25th, are you interested?
With a 5-hour drive one-way, I'm afraid my only window of opportunity on a weekend trip up is Saturday. Let's hope the weather holds for both of us. :D

I still have to convince the kids that we may be going back up this weekend.
I understand, I have a 4 hour drive one-way.
Unfortunately I have to go to a wedding Saturday afternoon, I will drive up, sleep in my car, and hike all day sunday and drive home late Sunday night.
If your realy interested I am able to climb on Monday?
Oh, you are a strong person...

If I tried to drive home after a long dayhike, I'd surely fall asleep behind the wheel and meet certain death.

I'd hike with you on Sunday if I could drive home the same day, but no way man!

And no can do Monday either, must work. Must make money. Daddy needs a new pair of hiking boots...
I understand, I can only can hike on week days cause my boss screwed up somehow and I have 6 weeks vacation saved up.
Also, I have no problem staying awake on the drive home as my legs usually ache so badly that I think I'll never sleep again.
Maybe some other time.