Do Coyotes howl?

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I was hiking down Black Bear Mtn. near Inlet when I thought I herd the noon whistle. Problem was it was 1 in the afternoon.:confused: I lifted my ear flap and herd a howl, very close to me. I know there are no wolves around so it must have been a Cyotee. I thought Cyotee's barked instead of howled. After about 3 more howls in a 1 minute time frame I figured I would double time it to the car. I thought they were proclaiming Lunch has arrived!:eek:
yes they howel and yip like puppys(highter on the pitch sound, like a young dog.) They most never will come after you, id not fear bear is a very nice peak...was there last winter in jan.,, great views...summer must be 2x the pleasure on a warm day on that raock overlooking the fulton chain ....:)
Nothing will mkae the hair on your neck stand up quicker than being 20 yards away from a pack of songdogs yodeling at the top of their lungs....very eerie!


Or being 10 feet away from a pack of them feeding on a fresh deer carcass, as one of them looks up at you with blood dripping from its jaws. My wife had this experience once.
I've don't think I've ever heard them bark (not that they can't), it's either been the pack playful yipping as they rally to sweep the back fields or the full blown howl. Then there was the construction worker, that must have been a hunter as well, who used to use his coyote call in the neighborhood at about 5am...:rolleyes:
Or being 10 feet away from a pack of them feeding on a fresh deer carcass, as one of them looks up at you with blood dripping from its jaws. My wife had this experience once.

Oh man...that is just awesome!!! I live/hike for experiences like that. Life is good. :)

I've heard packs of coyotes howl to each other, or it seemed that there were at least two in each group. I've heard the yipping and I've also heard a barking that sounded close to that of a standard domesticated dog.

happy trails
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I've don't think I've ever heard them bark (not that they can't), it's either been the pack playful yipping as they rally to sweep the back fields or the full blown howl.
I never knew they did this either, Chip. I had always heard the howls and the yips. Then in '07 I heard a bunch near North Dome in the Catskills while I was seeing a lot of tracks of both deer and coyote. I keep getting closer to the barking then and thinking, what the hell I'm not that close to the valley and shouldn't be hearing someones dog that loud. Couldn't resist going slightly towards it until I finally spotted it through the trees. I grew up a redneck and had never heard of that. But when I looked it up it said they sure enough do at times. I think someone else mentioned it in the other recent, they ate my pets fisher thread.
It's a technique used to evoke a "shock gobble" from turkeys so the hunter can locate them.

I think he was trying to shock the early walkers and joggers as I'd always hear him as I rounded the corner close to the site. :rolleyes: I could tell it was him as the howl was too deep and not well executed and I think I own the same howler :D, great fun !
It's a technique used to evoke a "shock gobble" from turkeys so the hunter can locate them.
Yup, or the old crow squawker. That thing use to annoy even me from just blowing on it though.:mad:

I wonder with the hybrids and such they claim to be around if some types aren't more prone to use certain techniques for hunting. I don't know why but the barking thing still throws me off even though they are basically all dogs.
Oh man...that is just awesome!!! I live/hike for experiences like that. Life is good. :)

I've heard packs of coyotes howl to each other, or it seemed that there were at least two in each group. I've heard the yipping and I've also heard a barking that sounded close to that of a standard domesticated dog.

happy trails

It could have been a coydog as well, we have lots of them around here. They and coyotes are a huge problem up here, killing all sorts of livestock and domestic animals.

A pack of coyote's has also been almost on top of me while hunting, and the yipping made me nervous enough to slip the safety off the rifle. I thought the whole pack was coming my way. Other than that I have seen plenty, but they have never been a problem to me personally.

A friend of mine's father hunts them at night (legally) and routinely gets them 55 to 60 pounds, so they can be a pretty good size.