Does familiarity breed contempt?

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AlpineSummit said:
In this case:
Familiarity breeds CONFIDENCE, not contempt......
True enough, to a point.

The trouble begins when it breeds OVERconfidence in our capacity to dodge, cope with and overcome known, potential or predictable hazards that are inherent in what we're doing.

Confidence and security

This is a topic I've been putting some thought into lately. When out for local hikes/runs (like the guy in the original post), if I carry anything at all, it's a small knapsack with dog stuff, water, maybe some snacks and a map, perhaps more, depending on the expected weather and season. I don't carry many of the things that I would normally pack for a "real" hike. The "real" day hike pack contains items for first aid and safety. A few weeks ago, I wrenched an ankle about 3 miles into a local hike. As I returned to my car I was thinking that I'd've been all set if I were out for a real hike because that pack has Vetrap and hiking poles, which I don't bother to carry locally. I'd've taped it and used the poles to get out, instead of doing hours of dog-assisted hobbling. Luckily I was in a fairly busy area, I hope someone would have helped if I'd asked. Mostly, though, for local hikes I go to areas where I'm not likely to see people. Sometimes I bushwhack through the woods rather than staying along traveled areas, which makes being found even less likely. For a real hike, I leave an itinerary and schedule with someone, which isn't always practical for local outings.

Should I carry the day hike pack with its attendant safety gear for local outings - probably. Have I since - no. I'm not sure why, I would never head out for a real hike without it. And yet locally there's a smaller chance that I'd be found, or could find help. Perhaps a (mistaken) sense of confidence in the places I know well.

On the other hand, where do you draw the line? Should I carry safety gear on a 4 mile dog walk in the woods across the road from home? What about the walk to the mailbox?
Willing to take the risk?

Great thread.

Many a day I have gone out for a run on the Zealand Trail, Oliverian Brook Trail, Great Gulf Trail or other "flat" trail in the Whites as a workout. (Great runs, BTW.) I'm out running, so I just carry a water bottle. But, I always let someone know where I am, and when I'm going to be back. So, if I fall and break an ankle in a hail storm, it will pretty unpleasant, but someone (usually my wife) will come find me. I'm willing to take the risk that none of that is going to happen. But...there is always that chance. I could also fall off my chair at work and crack my head open and die...but I'm not wearing a helmet. I'm willing to take that risk, too.

I agree that it is not complacency be confidence. Until I read the last few post on trail running it never crossed my mind that I go running on a 10 mile loop with just a water bottle in an area that people get lost overnight almost every year. This is a county park and I know I am never more than a mile from the main park road at any given time. Knowing where you are, how you will bailout if needed and more importantly knowing where the people will enter the trail to try and help you, can be better than a full pack. If you are not familiar with the area you need to plan appropriately.

Back in ’99, we met a high school student at Johns Brook Lodge. He had recently completed his 46. He told us that he always hikes with a sleeping bag, tent, stove, etc., just in case anything should happen to him.

A year later we ran into him at Adirondack Loj; he told us he hadn't been hiking much because he needed a knee operation. Maybe from all the extra weight he'd been hauling around?

For myself, I can't bear that stone on my back, so I've been using just a hip pack since 2000. No sense in taking all the pleasure out of the walk.

Hey — now what's going on? How come VFTT doesn't recognize me on my computer at work, but it does on my computer at home? Was something updated beyond that vintage ’95's capability?