Does long-term hiking have to involve a list?

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I carry a map just so I can check off a box on the 10 essentials. Kind of handy to pull out sometimes when newbys are asking questions.
I made myself a list this year, but it was for my own benefit, so I would stop forgetting the million little places I want to hike "someday". I add stuff when I think of it, it includes mountains, national parks, rivers to paddle, countries I want to visit. At this point I will finish the 4000 footer list simply because I've done so many of them. There are some other official "Lists" I am interested in after that, but I have my whole life for them! I've always been a jack of all trades, and a master of none...I'm 34 and have had an account here for 14 years. I think if I didn't do so many outdoor things, I would have finished every list in the Northeast twice over! The problem is that I like to be outside with my horse just as much as hiking, so I don't get out every weekend. Hoping to hike the Northville Placid Trail this year and do some more NH4Ks.
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I was happy to discover the list of the 48 many years ago and it became an incentive to return to NH year after year. Now that I've finished it, I just keep adding peaks from other lists so that I hike in places I might not ordinarily think of going. This has led to some memorable hikes on 3000 footers in NH like the Baldfaces, Crawford & Stairs, and Howker Ridge. I continue to record all my NH hikes and I'm now at 110 named peaks greater than 3000 feet, with no regard to prominence, plus another ten 2000 footers.

I know I've been in 39 states and have casually pursued hitting all 50. Interestingly, I do not record all of my Tennessee hikes and never record my dates for hikes outside of NH. I'm not pursuing US high points but I know I have 9 of them and if I'm in the vicinity, I'll go for it. I see nothing wrong with making lists or using them as a motivational tool or simply as a way of recording and/or remembering events. Gridding would never appeal to me but if that's your pleasure, I wish you happy trails and good fortune. The concept of the list is value neutral in my opinion.
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TJsname said:
I think everyone uses a list, weather or not they compile it.

Do you work in some sort of legal profession? You seem to really enjoy the nuances of grammar, syntax and word choice in everyone's posts. :p

Ah, despite the plank sometimes in one's own eye... (whether vs weather)

Sorry. Looking forward to hiking season, and looking for lists - or even redlining. :)