Dog Q - Retractable Leashes

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Heck to the yes on this...... happened to me just last Sunday, when my 9 yr old German Shepherd took a fancy to go herd a flock of wild turkeys crossing the back yard as I was opening the back door to bring him inside. He flew me like a kite.. right off the back-door stoop. Plural ouch.

Yes, this is something to think about. Didn't cross my mind since my dog is only 14 pounds. I imagine quite a lot of "kite flying" incidents are possible if you have a large dog. :)
Heck to the yes on this...... happened to me just last Sunday, when my 9 yr old German Shepherd took a fancy to go herd a flock of wild turkeys crossing the back yard as I was opening the back door to bring him inside. He flew me like a kite.. right off the back-door stoop. Plural ouch.

Spirit is a rehomed, retired mobility assistance/ service dog @9 yrs old, with a solid 7 yr service record, but " oops".... dogs will still be dogs.

Retractable leashes do allow them to get up some speed and power!


Some of you may have thought of this - but if I'm using a flexinto allow my dogs a wider romping range I use the button to "click click click" gently as they get close to the end -- it helps teach them where that place is quicker and safer than learning through experience and gives them an audible warning signal in the event they do have a speed spurt ;-)
Heck to the yes on this...... happened to me just last Sunday, when my 9 yr old German Shepherd took a fancy to go herd a flock of wild turkeys crossing the back yard as I was opening the back door to bring him inside. He flew me like a kite.. right off the back-door stoop. Plural ouch.

Spirit is a rehomed, retired mobility assistance/ service dog @9 yrs old, with a solid 7 yr service record, but " oops".... dogs will still be dogs.

Retractable leashes do allow them to get up some speed and power!


Some of you may have thought of this - but if I'm using a flexinto allow my dogs a wider romping range I use the button to "click click click" gently as they get close to the end -- it helps teach them where that place is quicker and safer than learning through experience and gives them an audible warning signal in the event they do have a speed spurt ;-)