Dogs on Colvin and Blake

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2004
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Hoping to do Colvin and Blake this weekend with my companion named "Cayenne". She's a nimble "Aussie" with lots of hiking experience. From past posts about Colvin and Blake during slippery conditions it sounds as if there is a few tricky spots between the two peaks. What do you think about having a dog on this hike? Any other trails that anyone has insight on that might be particularly tricky for a dog in the ADK would be appreciated.
You didn't ask, but to save you some grief: The "normal" route to Colvin and Blake crosses AMR land. Dogs not allowed on the DEC easement that crosses their property.
Thanx Peakbagr and cantdog. I thought that might be the case. Any other thoughts as far as hiking with a "DOG"? More specifically to the ADK. Was really wondering about any other called do's and donots!
cantdog said:
I don't think a leashed dog would do well on some of those steep open rock faces in the upper summit cones and in the col.

Not in the high peaks wilderness. Dogs do not have to be on a leash (below 4K feet). you still can't go through the AMR land, but you COULD dog it from Elk Lake.. It's long.
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skiguy said:
Hoping to do Colvin and Blake this weekend with my companion named "Cayenne". She's a nimble "Aussie" with lots of hiking experience. From past posts about Colvin and Blake during slippery conditions it sounds as if there is a few tricky spots between the two peaks. What do you think about having a dog on this hike? Any other trails that anyone has insight on that might be particularly tricky for a dog in the ADK would be appreciated.

One option for you, but a very long hike, would be to ascend the Dix trail from Rt 73, bushwhack up Gravestone Brook to the Dial/Nippletop trail, then continue over Dial and then eventually to Colvin/Blake -- back the way you came.

I think four legs would handle the steeps between Colvin/Blake much better than two legs.
Pete_Hickey said:
Not in the high peaks wilderness. Dogs do not have to be on a leash (below 4K feet). you still can't go through the AMR land, but you COULD dog it from Elk Lake.. It's long.

Howdy All,
It's my understanding that dogs have to be on leash at all times in the High Peaks Wildnerness, not just in the alpine zone?

I've done Algonquin, Wright, Iriqous and return loop through Avalanche Pass with my nimble little Aussie girl; so I can recommend those, as well as Giant from 9N .

Going to a Flexi on steep sections can assist the dogs in negotiating whilst still being on leash.

Happy Hiking,
una_dogger said:
Going to a Flexi on steep sections can assist the dogs in negotiating whilst still being on leash.

Do you have any Links to this Flexi??
Pete_Hickey said:
Yes. However, COlvin and Blake are in the Dix Wilderness, not the High Peaks Wilderness.

Thankyou Mr. Hickey for your always upbeat replies and other options to approaches.
una_dogger said:
They are retractables and offer the dog alot of freedom. I keep my hooked to a harness instead of neck collar.
I use basically the same set-up - flexi leash and harness. You can find them both at Wally World.

I loop the belt from my back pack through the handle of the flexi-leash. That way I can be hands free.