Donaldson-Emmons-Seward, 1/3/2009

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Donaldson-Emmons-Seward via Calkins Brook - 1-3-2009

Conditions: Approach trail to the start of the Calkins Brk herdpath: 3 to 6 inches of new powder over ice with some rocks. Calkins Brk herdpath to the main ridge: 5 to 10 inches of new snow over firm base. Very easy brook crossings. Donaldson to Emmons: abouth 10 inches of new snow over firm base. Easy to follow. Donaldson to Seward: 10 to 15 inches of new snow with some spurce traps and some deeper section. Hard to follow.

Special requirement: snowshoes and hiking poles.

Comment: 5 hikers in our group and we met 3 more on the ridge. There is now a nice snowshoe trail all the way. Thank's to Pin Pin who did this hike with us and broke the trail everywhere. It was a pleasur to hike with him. The Corey's Rd gate is open and we drove our cars (2 wheel drive standard passenger car) to the summer trailhead.

Note from Moderator - Corey's gate is subject to closure at any time. The road to the summer trailhead has hills. A storm, thaw-freeze, or gate closure can mean getting your car stranded behind the gate a long walk from assistance. Lots of $$$ to get it out. You're taking your chances by doing this.
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