Donaldson, Emmons, Seward, Seymour

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Date of Hike: Sunday, July 17th

Trails: Ward Brook and Calkins Brook Truck Trails, Clakins Brook Herd Path, Emmons-Donaldson-Seward herd path, Ward Brook Herd Path, Seymour Herd Path

Trail Conditions: Truck Trails are in good shape, mud not bad at all. Calkins Brook Herd Path is marked by a cairn with an old rusted bucket on top, the herd path is easy to follow with only one fifty foot section of bad mud, no blowdowns at all on herd path. Herd path along the ridge is easy to follow and is in good shape. Ward Brook Herd Path off Seward back to Ward Brook Truck Trail is steep, with some narrow wet rock slab sections, and some mud pits down low on final level stretch along the brook, herd path easy to follow. Seymour herd path is steep and parallels the slide for most of it's length, it's rough and rugged in spots but easy to follow and dry.

Comments: Very hot and hazy day but good views to be had from outlooks. Lots of people out an about enjoying the Seward Range. Pics and report here

Name: Chris

Email; [email protected]