Double trouble in the ADK Sentinels. 9-17

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Anybody interested in hiking the Kilburn slide (supposed to be a beauty) then continuing on to do Kilburn and Sentinel let me know right here.
If Saturday dosn't work I can make it either on Thurs. or Fri.
Doug, you just messed up my ever changing, carefully laid plans. Let me think.
I was thinking of climbing the "backcountry ski" slides on Whiteface on Saturday... would you have any interest in joining me? Good photo here: Also, I may be tempted to climb Kilburn/Sentinel, but I've heard it's quite thick on top. My hiking partner is sending me a TR of his Stewart bushwhack... it still gives him nightmares.
Rico the WF slide is very,very tempting...Saturday, huh? I'm thinking...

Until you posted I was going to solo the whole Kilburn thing and take light overnight gear and sleep at the base of the slide and then not have to worry about getting out of the woods before dark on the next, big day. Interested?

Doug, I'll be hiking Jay on the 24th with Sylvie and a few of her friends. It'll be a gorgeous hike. Have you done Jay?
After thinking about it, I'm leaning towards the Whiteface slides. I agree that the shorter days require an early jump on a long bushwhack hike. I assume getting to the bottom of the Kilburn slide will require a bushwhack (south side of mtn? I can't see it on terraserver), and I won't get to the Wilmington area until after dark.

I was planning on crashing at my hiking partner's house on Friday night (I'm sure you could crash there too), and hitting the ski slopes just before dawn. Another option for Whiteface since we'll have two cars: we could park one at the Ski Center and the other at Connery Pond... ascend the backcountry ski slide and descend the Whiteface Brook slide.

Now that the hamster is turing the brain wheel... it may be possible to talk my wife into letting me hike Sunday as well. Whiteface Saturday, Kilburn/Sentinel Sunday?
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Now I think I'm getting hooked! Two slides for the price of one!

I don't think my current level of fitness and ripe old age :eek: will support doing those two hikes (WF-Sent.)back to back.

BTW what is the pitch of the WF slide(s) compared to the steepest sections of Nippletop?
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rico said:
Also, I may be tempted to climb Kilburn/Sentinel, but I've heard it's quite thick on top. My hiking partner is sending me a TR of his Stewart bushwhack... it still gives him nightmares.

{shiver} Me too........ 8.5 hours, 4.2 miles

Here is a shot in one of the more open areas, where you could actually pull the camera out.


I have a TR and tracklog too, to show you which way NOT to go.
One other possibility re: Kilburn et al.
Depart Sat. am. with light overnight gear and crash en route somewhere in the woods if darkness enfolds us. We won’t have to worry about time which is what it’s all about n’est-ce pas?. I have a sylnylon tarp. Either eat cold or bring along my Jetboil and some freeze-dried.

So many options...
Neil said:
BTW what is the pitch of the WF slide(s) compared to the steepest sections of Nippletop?

I don't know... that's why I'm climbing it!!! If you look at the photo in my previous post, you can see three slides. This past March, we ascended up the left. Here's a photo of me on the first pitch out of the bowl: It appeared about as steep as the average Nippletop grade... but there was snow. At right about at this point, Kevin and I were turned back by unconsolidated snow. Ray, being 50 lbs lighter, was able to ascend to the top of the pitch. He said that above it alternated between flatter sections and sections about as steep as the first pitch. Attached is a photo of the cripplebrush at the top of the slide (we can angle over to the herdpath just before the top of the slide), and of me ascending the parallel ski lift cut, which is a little less steep than the backcountry ski slide.

The slide to the right has much less cripplebrush at the top, but is quite steep (vertical) at the headwall. We can always decide which way to take once we're in the bowl.
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Which of the three do you plan on tackling, the rightmost one in the pic or the middle one (the right arm of the "Y" of the leftmost one?). The leftmost looks the most interesting but you've done it already.
Neil said:
Which of the three do you plan on tackling, the rightmost one in the pic or the middle one (the right arm of the "Y" of the leftmost one?). The leftmost looks the most interesting but you've done it already.

The leftmost. We were only able to ascend 1/2 way up the first pitch (first 10% of slide?). Gotta work on your reading comprehension :D
I have all the beta on the K. slide a man could want. I'm going out for a walk now but will e-mail you photos from Moose Mtn. a link to a MacMartin guide book explanation (if Mavs00 dosn't get it here first.) Actually, check on his forum: Do a search for Kilburn. There's a recent TR on there too.

You'll have to register to view everthing.
I did the Kliburn slide a couple years ago but didn't go all the way to the top due to lateness in the day. Easy and obvious path to get to the base, a little thick with thorny rasberry bushes. Once at the base a gradual hike until you get to perhaps a 50' cliff -- there's a great chimney on the left going up that's relatively easy to climb. Wide and gradual beyond that, but we stopped after not much further so I can't provide any info regarding the summit.

The Adirondack Explorer had a write up on this slide hike a few years ago.

rico said:
Ooooo... she sure is pretty! I read McMartins article, which helped me place the slide on the topo. Thanx.

C'mon, you want to climb both mountains, admit it!!!

The mind is willing, the flesh is weak. I'd be way too fried at work on Monday.

You can't see the slide in Terra because (I assume) it post-dates the photography. There are a few like that.

On Sunday how 'bout the Wright Slide?
Neil said:
LOL My reading comprehension of the map, compass and gps is all I need!

The left slide certainly looks interesting. Close to the top too as opposed to the others.

Check out these pics of the Kilburn Slide from Moose or MacKenzie.
Did you follow that link to the MacMartin description?

Wow, those ARE awesome shots, I wonder who took them? Pehaps if Neil gave proper credit to the photographer, I could send them a congradulatory e-mail or something............... :D
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mavs00 said:
Wow, those ARE awesome shots, I wonder who took them? Pehaps if Neil gsve proe credit to the photographer, I could send them a congradulatory e-mail or something............... :D
I put a check in the mail already.
Besides, EVERYBODY knows who is behind that famous URL. :rolleyes: